import time, random
def bestbad(array):
minIndex = len(array)
minNumber = 10000
for i in range(0, len(array)):
if (float(array[i][1]) < minNumber):
minIndex = i
minNumber = float(array[i][1])
return array[minIndex][0]
def is_upper(piece):
if (piece == " "):
return piece
else: return piece.upper()
def append_to_jornal(message):
myfile = open('antihackersBotik_jornal', 'a')
myfile.write(message + "\n")
return 1
def cost(piece):
string1 = "QKPRNB "
string2 = "9015330"
for i in range(0, 7):
if (piece.upper() == string1[i]): return int(string2[i])
def what_capture(pos, sq):
minCost = 10
for i in range(0, 64):
if chessmove(pos[i], i, sq, pos):
whatCost = cost(pos[i])
if (whatCost < minCost): minCost = whatCost
return minCost
def my_piece(piece):
if (move % 2):
#print(piece, ' ', piece.upper())
return piece.upper()
#print(piece, ' ', piece.lower())
return piece.lower()
def add_something(s1, s2):
global a
if (a[s1].upper() == "P") and ( (s2 > 55) or (s2 < 8) ): return my_piece("Q")
return ''
def show_board(board):
res = ""
for i in range(0, len(board)):
if (board[i] == " "):
res = res + " . "
else: res = res + " " + board[i] + " "
if (i % 8 == 7): res = res + "\n"
return res
def ind(sq):
a = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
for i in range(0, len(a)):
if (sq[0] == a[i]): p1 = i
p2 = 8 - int(sq[1])
return p2 * 8 + p1
def clear_sq(sq):
global a
if (sq == "g1"): squares = [ind("h1"), ind("f1")]
if (sq == "c1"): squares = [ind("a1"), ind("d1")]
if (sq == "c8"): squares = [ind("a8"), ind("d8")]
if (sq == "g8"): squares = [ind("h8"), ind("f8")]
a[squares[1]] = a[squares[0]]
a[squares[0]] = " "
return 1
def uncode(uci):
global a
our_move = []
if (len(uci) < 4):
return 0
if (len(uci) == 5):
sq1 = uci[0] + uci[1]
sq2 = uci[2] + uci[3]
piece = uci[4]
if (move % 2):
a[ind(sq2)] = piece.upper()
else: a[ind(sq2)] = piece.lower()
a[ind(sq1)] = " "
# print("pawn-promote ", lastSq)
return 1
elif ( (uci[0] + uci[1] == "e1") and ( (uci[2] + uci[3] == "g1") or (uci[2] + uci[3] == "c1") ) ) or ( (uci[0] + uci[1] == "e8") and ( (uci[2] + uci[3] == "g8") or (uci[2] + uci[3] == "c8") ) ):
sq1 = uci[0] + uci[1]
sq2 = uci[2] + uci[3]
a[ind(sq2)] = a[ind(sq1)]
a[ind(sq1)] = " "
# print(sq1, sq2, ": O-O?")
if (a[ind(sq2)].upper() == "K"):
return 1
elif (len(uci) == 4):
a[ind(uci[2] + uci[3])] = a[ind(uci[0] + uci[1])]
a[ind(uci[0] + uci[1])] = " "
# print("normal-uci", ind(uci[0] + uci[1]), ' ', ind(uci[2] + uci[3]))
lastSq = 1
return 1
else: return 0
def convert(sq):
a = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
return a[sq % 8] + str(int(8 - (sq - (sq % 8)) / 8))
def indexOf(piece, pos):
for i in range(0, len(pos)):
if (pos[i] == piece): return i
return -1
def turn(piece, move):
if ((piece.upper() == piece) != move): return 0
def chessmove2(piece, pos, sq, b, a):
if (piece == " "): return 0
a1 = pos % 8
a2 = (pos - (pos % 8)) / 8
sq1 = sq % 8
sq2 = (sq - (sq % 8)) / 8
if (turn(piece, testMove % 2) == 0): return 0
#4 if (a[sq] == " ") or ( (a[sq].upper != a[sq]) == move % 2): return 0
if ((piece != "N") and (piece != "n")):
if ((sq1 == a1) and (sq2 == a2)): return 0
if (((sq1 - a1 != 0) and (sq2 - a2 != 0)) and (abs(sq1 - a1) != abs(sq2 - a2))): return 0
const1 = 0
const2 = 0
if (sq1 > a1): const1 = 1
if (sq1 < a1): const1 = -1
if (sq1 == a1): const1 = 0
if (sq2 > a2): const2 = 1
if (sq2 < a2): const2 = -1
if (sq2 == a2): const2 = 0
if ((piece.upper() == "R") and ((sq1 - a1 != 0) and (sq2 - a2 != 0))): return 0
if ((piece.upper() == "B") and ((sq1 - a1 == 0) or (sq2 - a2 == 0))): return 0
if ((piece.upper() == "K") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 1) or (abs(sq2 - a2) > 1))): return 0
if ((piece == "P") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) != 1) or (sq2 - a2 != 1) or (testMove % 2 == 0))): return 0
if ((piece == "p") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) != 1) or (sq2 - a2 != -1) or (testMove % 2 == 1))): return 0
a1 = a1 + const1
a2 = a2 + const2
while ((a1 != sq1) or (a2 != sq2)):
if (b[int(a2 * 8 + a1)] != " "): return 0
a1 = a1 + const1
a2 = a2 + const2
if ((a1 < 0) or (a2 < 0) or (a1 > 7) or (a2 > 7)): return 0
return 1
if ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 2) or (abs(sq2 - a2) > 2)): return 0
if (abs(sq1 - a1) == abs(sq2 - a2)): return 0
if ((sq1 - a1 == 0) or (sq2 - a2 == 0)): return 0
return 1
def check_after_move(a, pos, sq):
global testMove
b = a.copy()
testMove = move + 1
b[sq] = b[pos]
b[pos] = " "
if (move % 2):
king = indexOf("K", b)
king = indexOf("k", b)
for i in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove2(b[i], i, king, b, a)): return 1
return 0
def chessmove(piece, pos, sq, a):
global move
if (piece == " "): return 0
a1 = pos % 8
a2 = (pos - (pos % 8)) / 8
sq1 = sq % 8
sq2 = (sq - (sq % 8)) / 8
if (a[sq] != " "):
if (turn(a[sq], (move+1) % 2) == 0): return 0
if (turn(piece, move % 2) == 0): return 0
if ((piece != "N") and (piece != "n")):
if ((sq1 == a1) and (sq2 == a2)): return 0
if (((sq1 - a1 != 0) and (sq2 - a2 != 0)) and (abs(sq1 - a1) != abs(sq2 - a2))): return 0
const1 = 0
const2 = 0
if (sq1 > a1): const1 = 1
if (sq1 < a1): const1 = -1
if (sq1 == a1): const1 = 0
if (sq2 > a2): const2 = 1
if (sq2 < a2): const2 = -1
if (sq2 == a2): const2 = 0
if ((piece.upper() == "R") and ((sq1 - a1 != 0) and (sq2 - a2 != 0))): return 0
if ((piece.upper() == "B") and ((sq1 - a1 == 0) or (sq2 - a2 == 0))): return 0
if ((piece.upper() == "K") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 1) or (abs(sq2 - a2) > 1))): return 0
if ((a[sq] == " ") and (piece.upper() == "P")):
# if ((piece == "p") and (pos - sq == 16) and (pos > 55) and (pos < 64) and (sq + 8 == " ") and (sq - 1 != "P") and (sq + 1 != "P")): return 1
# if ((piece == "P") and (sq - pos == 16) and (pos > 7) and (pos < 16) and (sq - 8 == " ") and (sq - 1 != "p") and (sq + 1 != "p")): return 1
if ((piece == "P") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 0) or (sq2 - a2 != 1) or (move % 2 == 0))): return 0
if ((piece == "p") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 0) or (sq2 - a2 != -1) or (move % 2 == 1))): return 0
if ((a[sq] != " ") and (piece.upper() == "P")):
if ((piece == "P") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) != 1) or (sq2 - a2 != 1) or (move % 2 == 0))): return 0
if ((piece == "p") and ((abs(sq1 - a1) != 1) or (sq2 - a2 != -1) or (move % 2 == 1))): return 0
while ((a1 != sq1) or (a2 != sq2)):
if ((a1 < 0) or (a2 < 0) or (a1 > 7) or (a2 > 7)): return 0
if (a[int(a2 * 8 + a1)] != " "):
if ((a1 != sq1) or (a2 != sq2)):
return 0
if (check_after_move(a, pos, sq)): return 0
return 1
if ((abs(sq1 - a1) > 2) or (abs(sq2 - a2) > 2)): return 0
if (abs(sq1 - a1) == abs(sq2 - a2)): return 0
if ((sq1 - a1 == 0) or (sq2 - a2 == 0)): return 0
if (check_after_move(a, pos, sq)): return 0
return 1
def trans(piece):
string1 = "QqRrPpBbNnKk "
string2 = "qQrRpPbBnNkK "
for i in range(0, 12):
if (string1[i] == piece): return string2[i]
return ' '
def variants_of_move(pos):
n = 0
for s1 in range(0, 64):
if (pos[s1] == " "): continue
for s2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[s1], s1, s2, pos)): return 1
return 0
def is_our(piece):
if (piece == ' '): return 0
if (piece.upper() == piece):
return our_color
else: return (our_color + 1) % 2
def endgame(pos):
opponent_cost = 0
for i in range(0, 64):
if (not is_our(pos[i])):
# print(is_upper(pos[i]), ' ', opponent_cost)
opponent_cost = opponent_cost + cost(is_upper(pos[i]))
return (opponent_cost < 15)
def our_king(pos):
for i in range(0, 64):
if (pos[i].upper() == "K"):
if (is_our(pos[i])): return i
def protect_attack(pos, sq, sq2):
global move
protect_cost = 0
attack_cost = 0
for i in range(0, 64):
if (pos[i] == " "): continue
if ( chessmove(pos[i], i, sq, pos) ):
# print("attack: ", i, ' ', sq)
attack_cost = attack_cost + 1
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[sq] = trans(pos[sq])
move = move + 1
if ( chessmove2(pos2[i], i, sq, pos2, pos) ):
# print("protect: ", i, ' ', sq)
protect_cost = protect_cost + 1
move = move - 1
#append_to_jornal(str(protect_cost) + ' ' + str(attack_cost))
return protect_cost - attack_cost
def two_variants_of_move(pos):
variants = 0
what_About_move = ''
for i1 in range(0, 64):
if pos[i1] == ' ': continue
for i2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[i1], i1, i2, pos)):
variants = variants + 1
if (variants == 1): what_About_move = [i1, i2]
if (variants == 2): return variants
if (what_About_move): return what_About_move
return variants
def one_line_eval(pos):
global move, calls, rightMovesArray
# print("SPENT TIME: ", time.time() - spent_time, " CONTROL: ", control)
calls = calls + 1
# print("CALLS: ", calls)
if (calls > 3):
calls = calls - 1
return ''
for i1 in range(0, 64):
for i2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[i1], i1, i2, pos)):
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[i2] = pos2[i1]
pos2[i1] = ' '
move = move + 1
v = two_variants_of_move(pos2)
if (v == 0) and ( check_after_move(pos2, 0, 0) ):
move = move - 1
calls = calls - 1
# print("CHECKMATE FOUND!!")
# print("MARK : CHECKMATE IN ", calls+1)
rightMovesArray.append(convert(i1) + convert(i2) + add_something(i1, i2))
return convert(i1) + convert(i2) + add_something(i1, i2)
move = move - 1
if (v != 2) and (v != 0):
pos2[ v[1] ] = pos2[ v[0] ]
pos2[ v[0] ] = ' '
if ( one_line_eval(pos2) ):
calls = calls - 1
rightMovesArray.append(convert(i1) + convert(i2) + add_something(i1, i2))
return convert(i1) + convert(i2) + add_something(i1, i2)
calls = calls - 1
return ''
def capture(pos, sq):
for i in range(0, 64):
if ( chessmove(pos[i], i, sq, pos) ): return 1
return 0
def freeCheck(pos):
global move
for i1 in range(0, 64):
if pos[i1] == ' ': continue
for i2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[i1], i1, i2, pos)):
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[i2] = pos2[i1]
pos2[i1] = ' '
move = move + 1
if ( check_after_move(pos2, 0, 0) and (not capture(pos2, i2) )):
move = move - 1
return convert(i1) + convert(i2) + add_something(i1, i2)
move = move - 1
return ''
def opening(pos):
global move
if (move == 0) and (chessmove(pos[52], 52, 44, pos)): return "e2e3"
if (move == 1) and (chessmove(pos[12], 12, 20, pos)): return "e7e6"
if (move == 2) and (chessmove(pos[59], 59, 52, pos)): return "d1e2"
if (move == 3) and (chessmove(pos[5], 5, 12, pos)): return "d8e7"
return 0
def isMoveGood(pos, one_const):
global a, lastSq, move, spent_time, rightMovesArray
badmoves = []
truemoves = []
if (not pos): return []
# if (one_const) and (not start) and (not lastSq):
# return "Not my move!!!"
# if (move < 4):
# our_move = opening(pos)
# if (our_move): return our_move
minCost = 10
cheapConst = 0
spent_time = time.time()
Checkmate = one_line_eval(pos)
if (Checkmate):
rightMovesArray = []
return 100
# free_check = freeCheck(pos)
# if (free_check): return free_check
for s1 in range(0, 64):
if (pos[s1] == " "): continue
for s2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[s1], s1, s2, pos)):
# if ( (s1 == 13) and (s2 == 21) ) or ( (s1 == 53) and (s2 == 45) ):
# badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), "0.75"])
# continue
# if ( one_const and (pos[s1].upper() == "K" ) and (not endgame(pos)) and (pos[s2] == ' ')):
# badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), "0.25"])
# continue
cheap = protect_attack(pos, s2, s1) + 1
if (pos[s2] != " "):
if (cost(pos[s1]) - cost(pos[s2]) >= 0):
cheap = protect_attack(pos, s2, s1)
# print(cheap, s2)
if (cheap < 0):
cheap = cost(pos[s1])*0.001 - cost(pos[s2])
else: cheap = cost(pos[s1]) - cost(pos[s2])
# print(cheap)
else: cheap = - cost(pos[s2])
if (cheap < minCost):
bestMove = convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2)
minCost = cheap
move = move + 1
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[s2] = pos2[s1]
pos2[s1] = " "
if (cheap <= 0) and ( what_capture(pos2, s2) >= cost(pos2[s2]) ):
cheap = 0
else: cheap = cost(pos[s1])
move = move - 1
# print(cheap, s1, s2)
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[s2] = pos2[s1]
pos2[s1] = " "
move = move + 1
if ((variants_of_move(pos2)) == 0):
if (check_after_move(pos2, 0, 0)): return 100
elif (cheap > 0):
badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), cheap])
else: truemoves.append(convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2))
move = move - 1
if (minCost < cheapConst):
return abs(minCost)
if (not truemoves):
return -1
return 0
def FENtranslate(pos, one_const):
global a, lastSq, move, spent_time, rightMovesArray
badmoves = []
truemoves = []
if (not pos): return []
# if (one_const) and (not start) and (not lastSq):
# return "Not my move!!!"
# if (move < 4):
# our_move = opening(pos)
# if (our_move): return our_move
minCost = 10
cheapConst = 0
spent_time = time.time()
if (rightMovesArray):
ans = rightMovesArray[len(rightMovesArray)-1]
return ans
Checkmate = one_line_eval(pos)
if (Checkmate):
ans = rightMovesArray[len(rightMovesArray)-1]
return ans
# free_check = freeCheck(pos)
# if (free_check): return free_check
for s1 in range(0, 64):
if (pos[s1] == " "): continue
for s2 in range(0, 64):
if (chessmove(pos[s1], s1, s2, pos)):
# if ( (s1 == 13) and (s2 == 21) ) or ( (s1 == 53) and (s2 == 45) ):
# badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), "0.75"])
# continue
# if ( one_const and (pos[s1].upper() == "K" ) and (not endgame(pos)) and (pos[s2] == ' ')):
# badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), "0.25"])
# continue
cheap = protect_attack(pos, s2, s1) + 1
if (pos[s2] != " "):
if (cost(pos[s1]) - cost(pos[s2]) > 0):
cheap = protect_attack(pos, s2, s1)
# print(cheap, s2)
if (cheap < 0):
cheap = cost(pos[s1])*0.001 - cost(pos[s2])
else: cheap = cost(pos[s1]) - cost(pos[s2])
# print(cheap)
else: cheap = - cost(pos[s2])
# if (cheap < minCost):
# bestMove = convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2)
# minCost = cheap
move = move + 1
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[s2] = pos2[s1]
pos2[s1] = " "
if (cheap <= 0) and ( what_capture(pos2, s2) >= cost(pos2[s2]) ):
cheap = 0
else: cheap = cost(pos[s1])
move = move - 1
# print(cheap, s1, s2)
pos2 = pos.copy()
pos2[s2] = pos2[s1]
pos2[s1] = " "
move = move + 1
if ((variants_of_move(pos2)) == 0):
if (check_after_move(pos2, 0, 0)): return convert(s1) + convert(s2)
elif (cheap > 0):
# print(s1, s2, cheap)
badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), cheap])
p = isMoveGood(pos2, 1)
if (p > 0-cheap):
# print(s1, s2, p, 'p')
badmoves.append([convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2), p])
elif (p == -1) and (variants_of_move(pos2) > 0):
bestMove = convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2)
minCost = -100
truemoves.append(convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2))
if (cheap < minCost):
print(cheap, minCost)
bestMove = convert(s1) + convert(s2) + add_something(s1, s2)
minCost = cheap
move = move - 1
if (minCost < cheapConst):
print("So we return bestmove ", bestMove, ', mark =', minCost)
return bestMove
if (not truemoves):
append_to_jornal("NOT TRUE MOVES!!")
if (badmoves): return bestbad(badmoves)
return ""
return truemoves[random.randint(0, len(truemoves)-1)]
def FENtranslate2(pos):
global move
res = []
for i in range(0, len(pos)):
if (pos[i] == "/"): continue
if (pos[i] == " "):
p = pos[i+1]
if (pos[i].isnumeric()):
n = int(pos[i])
for k in range(0, n): res.append(" ")
if (p == "w"):
move = 0
else: move = 1
return res